Author: George Henry

Gym Revamping; Ems Schedule

Gym Revamping If you have been to an event at Glen Butler court over the past few years you might have thought it’s time for an update, and the school agreed.  They just finished refinishing the floors and updating some of the signage and logos in the 50 year old […]

Siuslaw River Bridge at Dusk

Change for Traffic Pattern Date; Transportation Commission to Visit Florence; Schools to Focus on Financial Requirements for Graduation; Burch’s Celebrates 50; Wreck Closes 126

Change for Traffic Pattern Date The city of Florence public Works has had to postpone the traffic pattern change at Rhododendron and 35th street due to the possibility of rain that is forecast for today.  According to an update released by assistant City Manager Megan Messmer the striping of the […]

Sports: 7-25

The Eugene Emeralds were able to turn the tides on the Spokane Indians last night at PK Park.  The Ems held the Indians to just one run on 8 hits as they made up some ground on the league leaders. The Ems started off the scoring with a home run […]