Author: George Henry

Couple Watching Sunset

Siuslaw Awards; Busy Travel Season; Art Exposed; OPB Celebrates 40 Years

Siuslaw Awards Nominations are now open for the annual Siuslaw Awards and Florence First Citizen.  Annually businesses and two Florence citizens are recognized for their achievements.  Businesses are presented with awards that include Excellence in Customer Service, Curb Appeal, Non-profit Achievement, Community Caring, Innovation in Business, and the Stu Johnston […]

Coast Radio Sports

Mapleton Basketball Results Last night the Mapleton Sailors opened up league play against Eddyville Charter on the road. It was a back and forth game with both teams sharing the lead, but in the end the Eagles won out with a score of 40 to 38. The Mapleton girls are […]

Siuslaw River Boardwalk

Enrollment Period Extended; Hannigan Elected to State Commerce Board; Giving Tree; Gas Prices; Senior Center Holiday Schedule

Enrollment Period Extended If you waited around and never quite got to handling your health care changes, you are not alone. estimates that hundreds of thousands Americans failed to make the December 15th deadline and have extended it to December 18th.  if you have not yet enrolled in a […]

Boats on the Siuslaw

Athlete of the Week: Braydon Thornton; Mapleton Basketball; Meet Cancelled; Duck Women Thrash UC Riverside

Athlete of the Week: Braydon Thornton The Sports Club, the Siuslaw News and Coast Radio Sports congratulate Siuslaw Viking basketball player Braydon Thornton as this week’s Athlete of the Week.  Thornton averaged 17 points per game last week capping the week with a 25 point game in the Viking’s win […]