Florence Oregon News

EMAC Activity Days; Davis Carnival Presale Tickets; Hoagland Properties to Work with Wyndham Hotels; Prescribed Burns to Increase; Study Says No Substantiated Link to Vaccines and Cardiac Deaths

EMAC Activity Days Florence’s Environmental Management Advisory Committee, also known as E-mac, doubles as the city’s “Tree Board” in connection with Florence’s status as a “Tree City USA”.  Two events are coming later this month as part of a larger overall Arbor Day observance.  One will be on Arbor Day […]

Sign Reminder; Resiliency Grant; Search and Rescue Recruiting Teen Volunteers; Early Rhody Show

Sign Reminder The Oregon Department of Transportation has issued another reminder about the placement of political and other signs placed near roadways.  With May elections upon us ODOT says all signs within the highway Right of Way will be removed.  Signs are prohibited on trees, utility poles, fence posts and […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

New Camera Detects License Plates; Mowing Begins; Gas Prices; Reedsport to Install New Fire Sirens

New Camera Detects License Plates The Florence Police Department has installed a new tool for locating vehicles involved in criminal activity.  The Flock system is used in more than 2,000 agencies across the country. It is a solar powered camera system that can locate a vehicle with minimal information.  Chief […]

Siuslaw River Boardwalk

Volunteers Needed; PeaceHealth Oregon Network Chooses Leader; SCOTUS To Hear Homeless Case

Volunteers Needed Volunteers plant seeds of kindness and that’s the theme on April 17th for the Florence Area Community Coalition’s annual volunteer recognition celebration.  Monica Kosman says it’s something the F-A-C-C has done for several years. “There are just hundreds of volunteers here in Florence.  And we decided it would […]

Boats on the Siuslaw

Florence Man Arrested in Assault of a Minor; Gas Prices; Missing Man Sought; State to Cap Insulin Prices; Shore Acres Volunteers

Florence Man Arrested in Assault of a Minor Florence police arrested a man Monday afternoon in the case of a “minor female” that was taken from her home sometime on Saturday.  Most of the family was in bed asleep and two adults were in another part of the home when […]