City Plans Accounting Changeover The City of Florence is upgrading its internal accounting and switching it to a new provider, because of this transfer the city will have a brief downtime this Thursday and Friday. With the system in transition, they will not be able to access certain records on […]
Florence Oregon News
Whitmore Classical Academy; Taxes Return; Scare-Venger Hunt; FEC Arts
Whitmore Classical Academy The Siuslaw School District Board of Directors will take up the application again this week for the Whitmore Classical Academy, a public charter school allowed under state statute. The previous proposal was “disallowed” by the board in June with direction to backers to clarify 9 different concerns […]
BLM; Age-Friendly Summit; Veteran’s Day Assembly Announced; Community Bank Week
BLM Bills in Congress would throw out comments for a proposed rule that would prioritize conservation and restoration on U-S Bureau of Land Management public lands. House Resolution 3397 and Senate Bill 1435 would call for the B-L-M to stop gathering and discard public input on its draft Public Lands […]
Pile Burns; Christmas Tree Permitting; Boys and Girls Club
Pile Burns The US Forest Service has announced that beginning this week and continuing through the spring pile burns will be conducted in the Siuslaw National Forest. With the exception of this weekend’s heat, the climate for burning has improved with cooler temperatures and damp weather with the chance of […]
Reedsport Main Street Recognition; Volunteers Sought; Paid Leave Program; Money For Arts; FLOGRO Available
Reedsport Main Street Recognition The City of Reedsport was recognized for its accomplishments in creating a downtown space that is attractive to residents and visitors. As part of Oregon State Parks Excellence on Main awards Reedsport received the Special Project award that is given to a city that impactfully addresses […]
COVD Numbers Rising; Gas Prices Spike; Reedsport Pop-Up Vendor Market; Hazardous Waste Collection; Rhododendron Drive Re-alignment
COVD Numbers Rising There are no regular updates coming from the Oregon Health Authority, but COVID-19 is still prevalent and numbers recently have been on the rise. Peace Harbor Medical Center has seen cases that have had to be admitted to the hospital in recent weeks. Jason Hawkins Chief Administrative […]
Superintendent Reviews Assessment Numbers; Peace Harbor CAO to Take on Additional Responsibilities; Oregon Climate Smart Award
Superintendent Reviews Assessment Numbers The release of last spring’s State Assessment test scores by the Oregon Department of Education painted a discouraging picture. But, says Siuslaw Superintendent of Schools Andy Grzeskowiak, on closer analysis they do show improvement in outcomes for area students. He says by comparing how the same […]
Domestic Violence “severe” in Florence area; City of Florence; Long-Term Services and Support Scorecard
Domestic Violence “severe” in Florence area The observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month began over the weekend in Florence when Siuslaw Outreach Services held a “silent march” through Old Town. Most of the participants wore purple or purple ribbons as they silently walked from Veteran’s Memorial Park to the Boardwalk […]