
Covid 19 Pause 18 November – 2 December 2020

Oregon’s Two Week Stay At Home Freeze Florence Restaurants Beachcomber Pub             Take Out Menu                               beachcomberpub.com/ Chen’s Family Dish            Take Out Menu 11 – 9pm              chensfamilydish.com/dinner/ Jerry’s Place                        Take Out / Curbside                       jerrys-place-restaurant.business.site/ 1285 Restobar                     Take Out Menu  11 – 7pm      […]

State Covid 19 Freeze – Oregon and Lane County’s Latest Covid 19 Numbers – Toys for Tots Donations – Tax Day 2020

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Friday a statewide two-week “freeze” that includes limiting restaurants and bars to takeout only and shuttering gyms, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. The freeze, which will be in effect from November 18th through December 2nd, aims to limit group activities and reduce the spread of […]

USDA Closes Siuslaw National Forest Recreation

USDA Closes Siuslaw National Forest Recreation The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued a closure notice for all parts of the Siuslaw National Forest including the recreational dunes until at least the 24th of September.  The order reads: Due to significant public safety concerns associated with wind storm damage, extremely […]

Air Quality Update

Air Quality Update   A change in the wind direction has brought about cleaner air in the Florence area this afternoon.  The last Air Quality Index update was 3:40 p.m. and AQI numbers have dropped from a high in the 600’s to 90.4.  The  lower level air quality has improved.  […]

Suspect in Fire Arrested

Lane county sheriff’s department has arrested a suspect in the Sweet Creek Fire.  44 year old Elias Newton Pendergrass of Mapleton was arrested for Arson in the first degree in connection with the fire currently burning in the Sweet Creek Area.  Sheriff’s detectives in conjunction with the Oregon State Police […]

Fire Update: 11:24 a.m. 8-31

The spread of the Sweet Creek Milepost 2 fire near Mapleton is moving slowly southward according to the latest information from the Oregon Department of Forestry.  The more than 400 acre fire is in steep terrain on the south side of the Siuslaw River.  Helicopters continue to retrieve water from […]