A Chilling Future?
The efforts of the Siuslaw Fishermen’s Association to replace the commercial ice maker on the Old Town Wharf appear to have finally been successful. Although it’s not currently operating, it is functional. Port of Siuslaw Manager Bob Forsythe says the challenge now is to find someone to operate it.
Bob Forsythe – “There’s a gentleman that has made it clear that he would like to purchase it if he can get the financing.”
The potential buyer would leave it where it is and build a broader business around it.
Bob Forsythe – “Gary Thorsen is his name and he’s a local fisherman and he wants to try to make it work as a fish buyer and a fish seller as well.”
Thorsen’s effort is not the only one however. Forsythe says he’s also passed on more than one request from potential buyers who have expressed an interest in moving the machinery out of the area.
Bob Forsythe – “I’m not really sure what the end result will be, but the bottom line is you’re not going to make any money selling ice. You need a fish buyer and a fish seller so that the ice is a part of that whole process.”
The Siuslaw Fisherman’s Association raised more than $300-thousand over an eight year period to purchase and install the machinery that is currently sitting unused on the Old Town Wharf.
OC Jam 2012
12-hours of music are planned for Saturday at Miller Park… all of it free and all of it to benefit two local organizations. It’s called O-C Jam 2012 and will feature popular Northwest bands like Sol Seed, Frankie Hernandez, Synrgy , The Eclipse and more. Organizers say there will be local food and vendor booths, a beer garden and several other activities… there’s no cost to get in. It runs from ten AM to ten PM, this Saturday. Donations of non-perishable food and cash will benefit Florence Food Share and the Boys and Girls Club of Western Lane County.
Japanese Dock Washes up on Oregon Beach

The ownership of a 66-foot long, seven-foot high and 19-foot wide concrete and metal dock that washed up at Agate Beach just north of Newport this week has been verified. Chris Havel with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department said a metal plate found on the structure was stamped with the date and the name of the Japanese manufacturer. The Japanese Consulate in Portland confirmed the dock was in use at a commercial fishing facility when the earthquake and tsunami struck 15 months ago. Officials are still trying to determine what to do with the dock. They don’t want to leave it there as it could be a hazard in the surf. They may try to float it off the beach intact, or have a contractor dismantle it.

Schedule Adjustments Planned for Coming School Year.
There’ll be some changes in the schedules at Siuslaw schools next fall. Superintendent Jeff Davis said professional development in-service sessions will be moved to Friday afternoons in the 2012-13 year. That means instead of classes getting out at two pm Thursdays, the early discharge will be on Fridays.
Davis said there are several reasons for the change… one is to prepare for a possible transition from a four-quarter school year to a trimester schedule in the next two or three years. Another benefit, he adds, is that it reduces the amount of lost class time for student athletes in the high school because of travel to Friday games and matches.