Saturday Tree Lighting; Flu Updates; Photo Contest

Saturday Tree Lighting

This Saturday the Florence Area chamber of commerce along with the city of Florence will be hosting the tree lighting ceremony in Old Town.  Public works has been busy according to city project manager Megan Messmer.

“We are in full preparation for the holiday festival, so you will see our crews out and about putting up lights getting ready to light Old Town Saturday.”

The festival begins at 3:30 pm and there will be hay rides and activities for the kids as well as the appearance of Santa, who will be getting a ride into town from Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue.  The Tree Lighting will be at 5:30 that evening.  There will also be a collection of food for the Florence Food Share for items like canned meat, soup, baby food and formula and peanut butter.

Flu Updates

There was a slight uptick in the amount of positive flu cases this past week.  According to the Oregon Health Authority 10 percent of the cases reviewed tested positive.  Statewide there were 195 total cases out of 1943 tests.  Hospitalizations were up also with 14 cases referred for additional medical attention which is up 11 from the previous week.

Photo Contest

The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce is looking for the next great photo from the Oregon Coast.  It is open to both amateur and professional photographers and a $250.00 grand prize will be awarded as well as being featured in the chamber resource guide and use in other marketing and promotional items.  Deadline for submission is January 3 and the winner will be announced on January 15th.  in order to be eligible the photo must be taken within a 25 mile radiance of Florence.  For more information and entry forms visit