Author: Bob

Two Siuslaw wrestlers at State; Pac-12 basketball results

Two Siuslaw Wrestlers are on the mats today in Portland in the OSAA 4A State Tournament at Memorial Coliseum.  Far West Champions Ryan Connor…at 285 pounds; and Hayden Miles at 152.  Connor is seeded number four out of 16 competitors… Miles is unseeded. The tournament runs through tomorrow. Number 23 […]

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 02/22/2013 05:29 AM NW–SportsMinute/628 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press   PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Portland acquired reserve point guard Eric Maynor from the Oklahoma City Thunder at the NBA trade deadline yesterday. Maynor is making $2.3 million this season and […]

Human Trafficking – Siuslaw canneries – Florence Volunteers – Fly Fishing Expo

21 February 2013 Local Discussion on Forced Prostitution When the term “human trafficking” comes to mind, it often brings thoughts of third world countries… and younger women.  But, says Frankie Stuart.  It’s much wider than that. Frankie Stuart – “Young boys are trafficked, young men are trafficked for male prostitution.  […]