Author: George Henry

Siltcoos Outlet Lagoon - Florence Oregon

Oil Drills Off The Oregon Coast?; City to Remove Asbestos; Special Election Ballot; Dunes City Talks Water;

Oil Drills Could Be Coming To Coast Conservationist are up in arms at the possibility that bans recently lifted by the trump administration may mean that Oregon waters could soon be home to oil and gas drillers.  The Interior Department is proposing opening up 90 percent of federal waters to […]

Our Town – January 2018

This Month on our January Broadcast of Coast Radio’s Our Town George Henry visits with the new former OCHS Board Member Scott Bailey and Longtime volunteer Jack Hannigan, Lori Severence with Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue on the Chaplaincy Program, Meg Spencer with, Chief of Police Tom Turner and […]

Florence from Radio Tower

“Small Business Revolution” Hits Florence; Port Seeks Manager; Food Share Crab Crack; Bridges A-OK

Florence Supports “Small Business Revolution” The message from the podium was that we have already won.  Hundreds gathered at the Florence event center for a show of force last night as the host of the reality show “Small Business Revolution” spoke about the spark that ignites fires and brings people […]

Mapleton Store Robbed, Police Seek Information; School District to Look Over High School Plans; Gas Prices Highest Since 2014; Utilities To Go Down…Under That Is

Mapleton Store Robbed, Police Seek Information An armed man entered Randy’s Riverview Market in Mapleton at 8:20 pm Saturday evening.  Lane County Sheriff’s department and the Oregon state Police responded to the call.  According to police there was only one person on duty when the robber entered the store and […]

Vikings Win; Sailors Split on the Road

Viking Boys and Girls Post Wins The Waldport Irish came to town last night and learned that they forgot their lucky charms.  The Siuslaw Vikings boys were not deterred by the luck of the Irish and despite a second half surge by the visitors the Vikings walked away with a […]

Athlete of the Week; Hoop Results

AOTW: Dylan Wynn Junior Viking basketball player Dylan Wynn is Coast Radio Sports Athlete of the Week.  Dylan contributed 12 points in the win against the Corbett Cardinals on Friday. As the Viking Boys outscored the Cardinals 61-44. Honorable mention goes to sophomore forward Mia Collins who posted 8 points, […]