Florence Oregon News

Graduation; Coos Forest Burn Season Ends; Budget Numbers; Planning Commission Vacancy; Pupping Season

Graduation 80 soon-to-be-former students at Siuslaw High School will be celebrated Friday evening during annual commencement exercises.   The class of 2023 has four valedictorians, each with the highest possible academic marks.  They are Faith Lumadue, Owen Harkelrode, Kyle Hughes and Alexander Goss.  There are three Salutatorians, each with the second […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

Siuslaw Awards; LCC to Reopen Full Time; City of Florence – Miller Park Playground; Gas Prices

Siuslaw Awards The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for the annual Siuslaw Awards.  Each year businesses are awarded in several categories including Excellence in Customer Service, Innovation is Everything, Heart on their Sleeve, Profound Business Award, Bold New Business, Aurora Borealis, and the Stu Johnston Business of […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

Push for Passage of Food Assistance; Merkley Votes Against Debt Ceiling Bill; Professor With Florence Ties Retires; Cougar Sighting

Push for Passage of Food Assistance A rally was held in Salem on Thursday to urge passage of a bill that would provide food assistance to Oregonians regardless of their immigration status. Senate Bill 610, known as Food for All Oregonians, would ensure people who are undocumented and excluded from […]

Fire Out; George Elliot Bass Tournament; Reedsport Receives Main Street Grant

Fire Out Fire crews continued to mop up a 300-acre wildfire yesterday 10-miles southeast of Veneta.  Firefighters with the Oregon Department of Forestry Western Lane District have been working around the clock since Friday to contain the blaze, burning in public and private forest land.  Lane County’s Perkins Peninsula Park […]

COVID-19; Razor Clamming Opened

COVID-19 After a rise in cases earlier this year the Oregon Health Authority is reporting fewer cases of COVID-19.  Over the past several weeks the number of reported cases have declined.  The majority of the cases being reported are in the 65 and older population with significantly fewer numbers in […]