Florence Oregon News

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 04/15/2014 04:59 AM AP-NW–SportsMinute/239 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) – Mike Zunino homered an inning before adding an RBI single in Seattle’s strange six-run outburst that included three Texas Rangers errors and a replay reversal that gave […]

1st Oregon News Minute from the AP

Date: 04/15/2014 03:59 AM AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/247 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press SALEM, Ore. (AP) – State economists say Oregon’s labor market is tightening. Data released yesterday show that employers reported 10,000 more job vacancies than they did a year ago and more trouble finding the […]

2nd Oregon News Minute from the AP

Date: 04/14/2014 09:29 AM AP-OR–2nd NewsMinute/233 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Police helped evacuate about 1,500 concert-goers last night after structural damage was noticed at the Crystal Ballroom in Portland. The Oregonian reports rapper Schoolboy Q was performed at the sold-out […]

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 04/14/2014 04:59 AM AP-NW–SportsMinute/282 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press SEATTLE (AP) – Yoenis Cespedes (yoh-EHN’-ehs SEHS’-peh-dehs) hit a two-run homer that broke a scoreless tie in the eighth inning, lifting the Oakland Athletics over the Seattle Mariners 3-0 yesterday. Cespedes […]

1st Oregon News Minute from the AP

Date: 04/14/2014 03:59 AM AP-OR–1st NewsMinute/261 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Oregon State Police say a 42-year-old Lake County sheriff’s deputy has turned himself in after an investigation that he had a sexual relationship with a missing teenage girl. Authorities sent […]

Search for Options Splits Council

11 April 2014 Council Split on Information Gathering How to go about protecting the City of Florence’s interest in unpaid utility assessments in the North Florence Local Improvement District has opened up a difference of opinion on the City Council. Joe Henry – “I just don’t believe as a council […]