Other News

1st Oregon News Minute

AP-OR–1st NewsMinute,352 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press HILLSBORO, Ore. (AP) – Authorities in the Portland suburb of Hillsboro say a tractor-trailer rig and a Max light rail train collided, injuring eight people. Hillsboro fire spokesman Storm Smith said truck driver John Stanton of El Paso, […]

Local News Digest – Russian Delegation; Reedsport man dies; Port Manager chosen; Great Pumpkin and Coal

International exchange brings Russian delegation About a dozen representatives of watershed councils from Far East Russia are set to begin a visit to the Siuslaw River this week.  Despite language and cultural differences, there are many similarities between the Oregon Coast and Sakhalin Island and the Kamchatka Peninsula.  That’s according […]

3rd Oregon News from the AP

AP-OR–3rd NewsMinute,263 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press EUGENE, Ore. (AP) – The Eugene City Council today debates whether to give Occupy Eugene demonstrators an exemption to camp out at the downtown Alton Baker Park. KVAL reports the camping is against the city code, but council […]