Daily Sports News

Football Honors; Viking Wrestling; Viking Basketball; Rose Bowl; College Hoops; Mapleton Basketball

Football Honors Several Siuslaw Vikings have received honors in Football. The announcement was made Friday honoring Will Johnson, Joel Sissel, Max Reynolds, Michael Felkins and Jacob Mann.  Johnson and Sissel were 3A first team with Reynolds, Felkins and Mann receiving second team honors. Viking Wrestling In Wrestling over the weekend […]

Viking Basketball; Beaver Basketball

Viking Basketball The Siuslaw Viking girls basketball team struggled to get in to double figures in the first half of last nights game against Waldport.  Turnovers and lack of offensive rebounds hurt the Vikings while Waldport threw up 49 points.  Final 49-22. The Viking boys won their battle against Waldport […]


Upcoming Schedules Viking Basketball will be on the court tomorrow at North Valley.  The Girls will hit the court first at 5 pm with the boys to follow at 6:30.  This is not a game that will be broadcast on KCST.  The next game on the air will be the […]