Florence Oregon News

Siuslaw River Bridge

New Circuit Court Appointees; Gas Prices Continue Downward Trajectory; National 811 Day; Chamber Considers In-Person Meetings

New Circuit Court Appointees Lane County gets two new Circuit Court Judges.  Effective immediately Michelle Bassi and Beatrice Grace will fill the two open positions created by the retirement of Judge Charles Carlson and Judge Lauren Holland.  Governor Kate Brown made the appointment announcement yesterday.  Both Bassi and Grace are […]

Child Welfare-Oregon; PAC – New Art; Wreaths Across America; ODOT Work Schedule

Child Welfare-Oregon Oregon sits at 26th in a new ranking of states based on child well-being. The Annie E. Casey Foundation has released its annual KIDS COUNT data book, which measures states in four areas: economic well-being, education, health and family and community. Jenifer Wagley, head of Our Children Oregon, […]

Breakthrough Cases; Wildfire Risk Map Rescinded; District to Benefit From Federal Monies

Breakthrough Cases COVID-19 breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals for the month of July were 53.4% or 21,380.  The Oregon Health Authority reported the numbers last night in its latest report.  The numbers have been fairly steady over the past several months, but since the vaccine was first introduced the number […]