Other News

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 04/16/2013 05:29 AM NW–SportsMinute/378 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press   PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – Following the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon, organizers of the Eugene (Ore.) Marathon say their event will go on as planned on April 28. Eugene […]

Bright outlook for salmon this year; Florence City Council and Planning Commission to meet jointly; Truck crash shuts down 101 Saturday

15 April 2013 Good News for Salmon fishers… Fisheries managers say all the signs are pointing to a very good season when it comes to salmon fishing this year.  Recreational and commercial troll Chinook salmon fishing on the central Oregon coast looks especially good thanks to strong returns to the […]

Vikings split with Lancers on the softball and baseball diamonds; Viking Track results; Oregon and Oregon State both used the brooms in Pac-12 baseball

Taking a look at Coast Radio Sports… On the diamond… the Siuslaw Viking split with South Umpqua on the baseball field at home Friday afternoon, taking the opener 9-2 then falling in the nightcap 5-2.  Elsewhere in the league Brookings-Harbor swept Douglas in two, North Bend had the broom out […]